Use the "Options" button to
open the List Dialog Box.
Skin Combo Box is used for the skin choosing.
You can download skins from page.
Start Media Folder Combo Box sets the start
folder for media files browsing. Windows stores its sounds in the Windows\Media
folder. The standard folder for a user media is My Documents\ My Music. You
can choose "Non" if you store your sounds in other place. The last
opened folder will be used in this case.
Time Sound option allow you to choose the sound
of your timer alarms.
Default Alarm Sound option allow you to choose
the default sound of your clock alarms. This sound can be redefined for any
clock alarm using Alarm Properties Dialog Box.
Alarm Master does not come with it's own sound
files, and by default, uses some Windows sound file. You can replace the default
sound with other sound files that come with your operating system or other software.
To find a sound file, press "Browse" button. For Windows 98, Windows
ME, Windows XP many wav files can be found in the "Windows\Media"
folder. In Windows 2000 and Windows NT, they are stored in the "Winnt\Media"
folder. For Some wav sounds are included in MS Office and other products. These
can be located using the Windows search engine.
Alarm Master supports a lot of media files includes
mp3, wav, mpg, avi. When the alarm time arrives, Alarm Master will play the
media file using its inside player or a system default media player.
Sounds on check box turns the
basic sound on or off. Turning sounds off does not affect the display message.
Timer Sound Repeat check box
turns the timer sound loop on or off.
Mark calendar dates that have alarms check
box sets the calendar mode in which the dates that have non-templates alarms
are shown in a bold font.
Show scale calendar check box switches
on/off the text calendar on the clock scale. Please use the correspondent combo
boxes to switch/on/off fields of the scale calendar.
See also:
Alarm Properties
Dialog Box
Calendar Control